Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Short Reviews: Twilight (book)

So Twilight. I found this at my library and took it out. The first thing I noticed was the cover itself. Hands holding an apple, this confuses me, there’s not one reference in the entire book or the film (“There’s not even one in the fruit bowl” Said a friend of mine). My guess is that the author likes Photoshop. I also noticed the ‘T’ in ‘twilight’ isn’t a capital. Though, I wasn’t going to judge a book on it’s cover.

The story can be summed up as the generic love plot of ‘Girl moves to place, Girl meets boy, Girl loves boy, Boy isn’t normal, Boy puts her in danger’. To be honest, very little happens. The boy, Edward Cullen, has a habit of liking the girl, Bella, one minute and hating her the next. The story is written in first-person and in the view of Bella Swan. Bella must have been bad at English as the way the story is written is incredibly poor….

The writer must like the letter ‘I’ a lot, to the point where in four sentances, there was six 'I's. Instead of stringing sentences together, they just have ‘I ate breakfast and Then I went to school, where I would see Edward‘. What would have been better for some of the sentences would have been ‘After breakfast, I went to school to meet Edward’. Apart from that it also has a habit of confusing you in long massive talking sequences
“Talking” He Said
“Talking again” I replied
“Talking” He Said
“Talking again” I replied

This can confuse you if there are two people in the room or scene as instead of splitting the ‘Person said’ up with ‘He/She’ and the name of the person talking, it seems to just be ‘HeShouted/Said/Nodded. If you know what i mean.

It’s a shame because the plot is decent, granted, not much actually happens apart from flirting, Edward getting angry and running away. If you like love stories about vampires (even if that doesn’t come in till a lot later) and high school, I suppose I could recommend it but the way it’s written puts me off. See the film, is all I can say.

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